Pre-departure stress 4

 It’s D(eparture)-day minus 4 and I’m starting to get pretty excited /nervous about the whole thing. I have had it before. Every trip whether it’s for 2 weeks or for 6 months, I’m asking myself why the hell I do this to myself. 

 Why do I leave my perfectly comfortable life behind to go wander around in some godforsaken countries.  Actually it hasn’t been too bad so far. As I’m working full time until the day before departure.

Jan De Roeck (to be continued)

Pre-departure stress 3

 As for the big questions: “Why are you doing this?”, “What are you trying to achieve?” or “What will you do when you get back?”  or the practical questions: “Do you have all your hotels booked? ”, “How did you plan your route?” or “Are you on an organized trip?” , I’m sure we will have plenty of time to discuss those in the coming months.

For those of you who were with me on my previous long trip the following might sound very familiar.  

Jan De Roeck (to be continued)

Pre-departure stress 2

 Quite a lot has happened since that last trip.  But now six years later, I’m about to go for it again and  I am very happy to have found someone who wants to accompany me on this trip…well the biggest part of the trip at least.  That will probably be the biggest difference with my last trip. Actually it will be strange to travel solo again for a while. Ever since 2006, I have hardly travelled solo.  Either I was on the road as a tour leader with a bunch people or just with my girl.

Jan De Roeck (to be continued)

About preliminaries and pre-departure stress

 Here we go again! My third long trip since 2001. I guess you can call me a ‘habitual offender’.  The seed of this trip was actually planted during my last trip. As some of you know, in 2006, I was forced to cut my ‘round the world trip’ short due to serious Illness. As I’m not a fan of unfinished business it was written in the stars that I would someday make another attempt to ‘circumvent our planet’.

Jan De Roeck (to be continued)