Ferry from Sudan to Egypt 2 Wadi Halfa

We arrived in Wadi Halfa mid-morning, having departed Abri nice and early. Magzoub had arranged for us to be picked up by one of the shared minivans from his place, which made finding it much simpler and cut down on the amount of time we had to wait for it to fill up, as it was already half full by the time it collected us. The couple-of-hour journey from Abri to Wadi Halfa cost us 200 SDP each – or about 2.5 USD.

Once we arrived, we tracked down a hotel to stay in. We’d been given a recommendation by some people we met in Abri, so went to check it out. The Kangan hotel is definitely a bit out of the way on the edge of town, but that meant it was free from the noise of traffic. Always a bonus.

(to be continued)